Bullying Prevention Training

Focusing on the role bullying plays in our schools, this training session will educate and engage students about the myths and facts of bullying, helping them to differentiate teasing from bullying and tattling from reporting. The training also focuses on identifying bullying behaviors, as well as the roles played by targets and bystanders. Additionally, participants will learn about some of the newest bullying issues, including cyber bullying, sexting, and hazing.

Bullying typically takes place in the context of other peers.  Bystanders are typically part of the problem, as many students either just watch or even instigate aggression, without reporting the situation to an adult or intervening to help the target child. However, bystanders can be motivated and taught to become part of the solution.

The message from research on bullying prevention is both loud and clear.  Bullying is indeed a serious and pervasive problem.  However, for schools that are willing to commit resources, time and personnel to comprehensive bullying prevention programs, it is possible to reduce bullying significantly and provide students and teachers with a safe and supportive learning community.